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Kick-Start Your Health & Fitness

The sun has kept his hat on this bank holiday weekend and dare we say, Summer is almost on it’s way.

Springtime is a great opportunity to revisit your health. With brighter nights and warmer days, it brings the opportunity to take advantage of any local parks, outdoor classes and a chance to introduce various foods into your diet.

Walking and jogging are great exercises for those lighter evenings and are also great ways to increase your daily steps! Making a head start this May, will not only increase your physical fitness but as it’s Private Medical Insurance has investigated previously, exercise can increase mental wellbeing too, thus putting you in the best frame of overall fitness for the Summer ahead.


Running for health this summer


Walking the dog, buggy walks, group cycling etc are all great ways to unite with local community culture and take advantage of your local area, all whilst keeping a focus on your health.

Another focus for that bit of reassurance is taking care of your health insurance. By having the support of private medical cover, allows you to relax, knowing that should the circumstance occur, you have the best level of protection in place.  

For any private health insurance queries, speak to an expert today on 01708 912 429.

At it’s Private Medical Insurance, we can offer bespoke private, group or business health insurance and can provide peace of mind to you and your family.


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Our hassle-free approach allows you to rest assured in the knowledge that we will source the most relevant private medical insurance that is suited to your needs. Our service is completely free and we only work with the best panel of dedicated medical insurance providers. By filling in our quick and easy form, you will receive the most applicable cover with many additional options to choose from.